Time: 19:00
Venue: Place Bell
Address: 1950 Rue Claude-Gagné, Laval, QC
Zipcode: H7N 5H9
State: Quebec
Country: CAD
*The show originally scheduled for June 5th 2020 at Place Bell, and then rescheduled for May 29th, 2021, will now take place on May 28th, 2022 and concert-goers are being asked to hold onto their original tickets, as they will be honored for the rescheduled date.
evenko présente
Russ à la Place Bell de Laval
Le 29 mai 2021
Le 29 mai 2021
Portes: 19h
Doors: 7pm
Doors: 7pm
Spectacle: 20h
Show: 8pm
Show: 8pm